When the electrical signal carried by a nerve reaches the end of the cell there is a physical gap before the next nerve cell. To maintain the connection, neurotransmitters, such as glutamate or serotonin, are released by the electrical impulse. These diffuse across the gap, called a synapse, and bind to receptors on the next nerve cell triggering a new electrical wave and propagation of the signal.
Long Term Potentiation, normally referred to as LTP, is essentially how memories are made and how brains learn. To cut an enormous amount of research and theory short, it basically means that the more a synapse between two nerve cells is used, the stronger that connection will become. This is thought to be the cellular basis by which memories are formed and it happens in simple nerve networks in snails and it happens in the human brain.
This is obviously quite a niche joke and only really works as intended for those also old enough to remember the ‘Guinness gives you strength’ beer adverts. So basically middle-aged beer-swilling neuroscientists although when you put it like that it covers quite a few people I know… Having said that, I sold a babygro with this on – you’re never too young for neuroscience!
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