
Rafiki’s Western

You have to have suffered the torment of Western blotting to appreciate this cartoon and it’s nigh on impossible to really explain the job to someone who hasn’t. Although please feel free to have a go below. Western blotting is integral to almost any experiment that involves proteins whether it’s validating an antibody, the success […]


Frozen lab

Several of my cartoons fit under the theme of ‘In a real lab…’ The idea works two ways: to show how mundane things in a lab can be, despite the wonders of science. In return to take some of the slightly absurd routines and even superstitions of the lab and apply them to popular culture […]


Gollum in the lab

Anyone who has worked in a lab will know that there are certain benches where all the equipment seems to end up. In my lab I tried to get a balance: as far as possible everyone had their own set of pipettes, dissecting kit, timer – things that you need all the time and/or are […]