“Brain is wide, brain is deep.”
Eddie Vedder (2009) Unthought known
Welcome to axonology.com, a largely irreverent look at science, research and education conveyed through cartoons and the odd bit of writing. You can find out more about the thinking behind the site in the Prehistory of Axonology. You can use the dropdown menus or search the cartoons by tag, some are arranged into themes such as blood or brain. I’ve been working on some designs around a central theme accompanied by more detailed explanation of the underlying science. At the moment these are the ‘Drawing Blood‘ collections of red blood cells, macrophages and platelets. The irony of having spent two decades researching the nervous system and then having much of the current content on haematology is not lost on me (nor is the angst of whether I ever use the word irony correctly). This is partly a reflection on what I’ve ended up teaching, what just happens to inspire me and also that I actually have so much material and ideas about neurons that it’s difficult to know where to begin! I’ve made a start with a subject close to my heart and brain: brain development. I’m also developing Braingineering an exciting set of activities to explore the anatomy and psychology of how the brain works.
I’ve also started adding adapted versions of my teaching sessions, first up is Digestion and Absorption. These are aimed at quite a broad audience, I hope they’re informative to anyone with an interest in how the body works. At the same time they’re there to be a revision aid for undergraduates, maybe with some useful extra nuggets, and hopefully they’re recognisable to my students!
Have a look around, I hope you find something that interests and/or amuses you. It’s a labour of love for me but if you have a lucrative publishing deal or commission to offer (or just want to get in touch) then please use the contact form.